Not every photograph that needs to be preserved is a studio portrait - not at all. Photographs capture the way we look at any given moment in time. I think the best photographs are the ones that capture the
feeling of the moment and this one certainly does.

This was about 1993 on the Beast at King's Island. It was one of those images snapped by the automatic cameras designed to catch your expression at a sudden drop, twist, or turn. Those images are not made to last a lifetime - the paper, the ink - it's really just a way for the amusement parks to make a little more money.
But these expressions are priceless. That automatic camera caught each one of us being ourselves. And although the image has faded, our memories of that afternoon haven't....and now, the kids can share this picture with their kids and tell them about the time we went to King's Island....and rode the Beast....and squealed and laughed and laughed again!
Tim's mustache is priceless for sure!