Sunday, January 9, 2011

Takin' It To The Streets

It's a cold Sunday. Snow in the forecast.  A few flakes have begun to fall.  Have Cincinnati-style chili simmering.  Decided to convert some of my old vinyl albums to put on my EVO so I would have some fun "walking music".

This particular album is such a wonderful color and with my monitor in the background.....couldn't resist a shot or two.

I used a digital filter to add a bit of simulated Kodak Ektachrome 400 color and grain.  Seemed appropriate considering the era from whence this album originated - 1977.

It is a remake of big band music with (dare I say it) a disco beat.  Should be a good for walking, don't you think?  That is, if I can just resist the urge and avoid "Dancing' In the Streets"  (wonder if we have THAT album in our stash, too....)

All we need is music, sweet music 
There'll be music everywhere
They'll be laughing, singing, music swinging and dancing in the street.

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